Thursday, October 09, 2008

The System *Is* The Scam


To peddle the idea that all we have to do is to get housing back in balance with incomes and there will be happy days again ignores the fact that the economic premise under which we operate is tragically flawed.


Fractional reserve lending is a fraud. Stated another way, lending against something you don't have and charging interest and fees is deceptive at its roots. The question I pose to my fellow Americans is, why, in a democratic republic do we allow this?

The Federal Reserve is nothing more than a private banking cartel partnered with the US government. It has a monopoly on printing money out of thin air and lending it to the government (taxpayer) and now anyone at interest. Allow me a Joe Biden moment: I repeat. They charge us interest on nothing. (emphasis added, CHS)

And fractional reserve rules allow this fraudulent lunacy to propagate throughout the financial system tenfold. The debts never get paid off they just get rolled over until everyone is borrowing to service debt instead of retiring debt through productive means.


If we truly want change we must first and foremost develop a system that is not predicated on fraud and insolvency at the outset...

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