Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Media Is Finally Giving A Ruthless Vetting To The Guy Who Deserves It!


I think this subhed from a NYT front-page headline r on Joe Wurzelbacher says it all:

‘Joe the Plumber’ Is Under Scrutiny

Yes, I'll be he is.

Joe Wurzelbacher's purported distant relationship to Charles Keating is newsworthy, the left is telling me, while Barack Obama's friendship and protoge relationship with terrorist William Ayers is not.

I'm sorry - - what's Joe Wurzelbacher running for again? As far as I know he hasn't declared for Congress.


Note that the story isn't really Joe -- it's Barack Obama's answer about spreading the wealth.

Note however the NYT chooses to focus on denigrating and attacking the man who elicited the remark, rather than the remark itself.

What is the object here? If you can prove that Joe Wurzelbacher, say, is consistently late paying his Columbia Record House subscription, that means Obama didn't say what he said?

Is that how it works?

Obama endorses socialism, so the game is to personally destroy the man who inadvertently elicited Obama's endorsement of socialism?

Let's say Joe the Plumber kills hobos, as I do. What the hell does that have to do with the fact that Obama said he wanted to "spread the wealth"?

Thanks to Andy the Squirrel.

Soooo... The media sleuths have now ferreted out that Joe the Plumber voted in a Republican Primary.

Meanwhile, they do not bother to report that Barack the Presidential Candidate was a member of the radical ACORN political bloc, the New Party.

I'm so glad the MSM has its priorities straight.

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