Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Blog Commenters Much Wiser Than GOP Candidates


This author, like all of the professional pundits and commmentators, does not understand the reason why GOP guys suffer for their sins while democrats do not. It has nothing to do with mistakes, or even misdemeanors and felonies.

GOP officeholders and candidates for high office are condemned not for the offense, but because they are cowards who wilt and grovel when they're caught. They therefore allow their enemies to have power over them. They have the ability to deny their enemies that power.

All a GOP guy has to do is simply stand erect and stand by their words and actions. Macaca? So what. Sen. Allen should have simply laughed at the condemnation of that word and said, "Yes, macaca. Look at that kid. Look at his hair. (It was a spiked mohawk at the time of the statement). He looks like a macaca. I didn't make him look stupid like that."

And when the media continued to press him on it, he should have used it again. Yes the media would have been shocked and wounded, but the people in Allen's district would have admired his strength. Sure, they wouldn't admit it. . . until they got behind the curtains in the voting booths.

McCain is falling because he's acting like a gelded eunuch just as much as his bungling of the bailout. Does anyone remember those wack jobs in the Heaven's Gate cult 10 years ago who killed themselves so they could hitch a ride on the Hale Bop comet? The men had castrated themselves some time before that event and they morphed into weak looking androgonous freaks, speaking softely and acting timid just as McCain is doing now. It's unnerving the citizens. We can't blame them for shunning McCain. It's weird.

Until GOP guys evolve from being squids, invertebrate gutless jellyfish, they will continue to give their opponents the power to crush them.

Someday they may figure it out.

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