Saturday, September 06, 2008

Two Entirely Different Appeals

One of the most refreshing things I immediately noticed and appreciated in McCain's speech was that, rather than saying, as is the Democrat habit, "I will fight for you!", he said instead, "Fight with me!".

These are two very different appeals. The former is in the form of a promise (from a politician!) that the speaker will do for you what your sorry, oppressed, incapable, powerless self is incapable of doing for itself. You have no hope outside of him. Your life is controlled by outside forces, and you need a savior. In essence: "I have the balls you lack!"

The latter appeal is not a promise at all. It is an appeal that does not depend on the speaker, but depends on the hearer. The hearer is treated as an autonomous center of action, who does have the power and capability to change the world. The speaker is saying that he does not in fact have the power of a savior, but needs strong comrades-in-arms to move ahead. In essence: "You have the balls we need!"

Either emasculation or balls-out fighting for the cause. Your choice.

1 comment:

Plastic Yank said...

Heh, nice analysis.