Sunday, September 14, 2008

Leftists Can't Even Do "Professionalism"

The story behind McCain's cover photo in The Atlantic.

One of the key things the GOP needs to do is come up with a media strategy in which ruthless partisan hacks are simply denied access, and names are named. Enough with the passive naivete!

BTW, here are the images from the photoshoot that the dishonorable hack put on her own website. Link. Link.

Oh. And a couple more: Link. Link.

UPDATE: American Digest has a comprehensive post about this.

UPDATE: Chicago Boyz on what this tells us:

The important thing here is not that Greenberg took and altered the pictures. The import thing is that she felt comfortable bragging about what she did! She expected to receive accolades and approval from the Left for her dirty trick. This tells us a lot about what kind of ethics Greenberg believes the Left approves of. Given her immersion in the upper class, urban, articulate intellectual culture of the far Left, her assessment is probably correct.

The far Left has long since adopted the world view of the radical Marxist in which political utility equals truth. Incapable of believing themselves capable of intellectual error or moral failing, they see themselves obligated to acquire power by any means necessary. They view democracy as only a means of acquiring the legitimacy to use that power. If they must do so under false pretenses, then they will. They believe that the enormous benefits of their enlightened rule outweigh any consequences of the dishonest acts that bring about that rule.

Politics is an ugly business and dirty tricks abound. Individuals from every part of the political spectrum stoop to low tactics to win. What we see on the contemporary far Left, however, is a lack of shame about doing so and complete unwillingness to punish those who go too far.

We should worry if that mindset really does gain power.

UPDATE: Apparently this photographer is also a manipulative pervert of the first order.

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