Thursday, September 04, 2008

If The DNC Is At A Loss, The Press Is At A Loss


How did this happen? How was even the leftist AP left fumbling for talking points?

The media of course gets its talking points from the DNC. They get half of their stores from the DNC, and all of their analysis.

The media trusts the DNC. They like the DNC. The DNC are nice people who do all of their actual work for them, leaving them free to to snort coke and pursue their hobbies of functional alcoholism and sleeping with each other's spouses; why shouldn't they like the DNC?

So the DNC and the Obama camp told the media that Palin was stupid and a bumpkin and all of that and the media got ready to write the stories, and analyze the speech, as they had been previously instructed by the DNC and David Axelrod.

And then the speech happened.

And the media was baffled, befuddled, and bewildered -- the DNC and David Axelrod had given them the wrong script entirely! Even they could see that somehow their helpful friends in the DNC had badly erred.

But they had nothing to say, because the DNC and David Axelrod hadn't prepared them for "Plan B" (as the snide/sarcastic line is now being called).

So the media just sat there in stupefied silence wondering what it was they were supposed to say. And not having been well prepared, they could only manage to do the easiest thing possible, which is to say the purely obvious.

And the obvious, as it turns out, was that it was a hell of a speech, and that she hit a grand slam, and certainly seemed ready for high national office, at least, that is, by the criteria established by David Axelrod and the DNC (to wit, that one is ready for high office if one can deliver a hell of a speech).

So why did David Axelrod and the DNC let down their nice friends in the media and leave them with nothing to say?

They just didn't see it coming, either.

But they can see foreign threats coming. Apparently the Iranians and Russians are easier to read than a bumpkin beauty queen from Wasilla.

Yeah, you guys are real f*ckin' scholars, eh?

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