Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hopin' For Change

The Democrats have become little more than the party of tinsel, cardboard, smoke, mirrors, and an unbridled lust for domination, founded on, and fueled by, a psychotic enmity toward the unborn.

The Republicans have become little more than the party of rhetorical and oratorical ineptitude, cowardice concerning the opinions of its enemies, and losing sight of the goal.

But it looks like the Republicans might be starting to powerfully turn things around. The party might finally be getting back the voice it's been lacking for more than 20 years, reclaiming the vision that is its only valid reason for existence, and stoking up an eagerness and enthusiasm to go on offense against the enemies of common sense, basic decency, and the Republic, enemies, who, by all rights, should go down in history as mere laughingstocks.

Who knows, maybe the other guys will also be inspired and start to change their ways. They've had precious little reason to do so with the Republicans playing dead in a defensive fetal position for 20 years.

This assumes, of course, that the Republicans are (or will be) for real again. On the plus side, McCain has always wanted to be the next Teddy Roosevelt. Well, time is growing short, John! Keep your eyes on the prize, and godspeed!

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