Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Great Point


In fact Palin had been mentioned continuely for a long time among right of center blogs:

Patterico: June 8th
QandO: Feb. 8th
Hot Air: Feb. 26th
Power Line: Feb. 26th
Right Wing Nation: Feb. 17th
The Anchoress: May 16th

Hell, even the (mostly) lefty Donklephant noticed Palin on June 6th:

he’s [i.e. McCain] shown that he’s not afraid to pull some stops, as he sends a scouting committee to meet with Sarah Palin!

(Of course Donklephant must be wrong, as everyone knows McCain pulled Palin out his a** just last Friday.)

It's funny how the vilest garbage that gets printed in a DK diary can find its way into the MSM in a couple of days, while months of right of center speculation about Palin as a possible VP choice, on the front pages of major right of center blogs, completely escapes them.

Funny, you would have thought if a reporters job was to cover the entire political process they might spend at least some time on Republican blogs.

It's fairly obvious they do not.

But the diaries of the Daily Kos? Those are pure gold!

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