Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Psalm 51 Brutally Fisked

Mark Shea has written an excellent, intelligent parody (inspired partially by the Mel Gibson brouhaha, and partially by those who are "hardliners" when it comes to forgiveness).

Sidenote: I wouldn't be surprised to read something with this tone (fisking not the Psalm itself, but the exact same general sentiments as stated by the Pope, a bishop, a pastor, or a theologian) as a serious article in the New Oxford Review, a formerly excellent Catholic magazine, which has, in the last five years or so, turned itself into a pit of holier-than-the-pope vitriol and ruthless judgmentalism. Of course, I'm sure the editor could make an airtight case that I am an abject fool, who is endangering his own salvation by even thinking such a thing...

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