Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Even Mark Shea has lost patience:

If, all over the world, the most obvious fact was that every time a bomb went off, a terror plot was discovered, and innocent human beings were being targeted by nutjob Catholics, I would aquiesce to the fact that a) there's something sick in the soul of the Catholic population and b) the outside world has every right to focus their wariness on Catholics in general.


[W]e are constantly being told we must fret about "Muslim sensitivities". I'm sensitive when real injustice is done. Round up and torture innocent Muslims on the theory that you might get lucky and I will protest that this is unjust. Bomb some funeral procession of Muslim civilians who are mourning the death of yesterday's bombing of civilians and I will empathize that this is unjust.

But I have no sympathy for cartoon riots. I have no sympathy for PC imbeciles who forbid this passport photo:

out of fear of offending "Muslim sensitivities".

And I frankly have no sympathy left for a community that is far more concerned about being offended than about the fact that it is the locus of the nutjobs who are blowing up planes and trying to kill thousands and even millions of innocent civilians. I could not care less if their sensitivities are offended by profiling. It's about time.

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