Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The "Liberal" Hate Campaign

Former 1960's radical leftist David Horowitz has a very hard-hitting editorial today.

This year the Democrat who would be President is touring the country telling black audiences that George Bush won the election in Florida by “stealing one million black votes” – an ugly, racially divisive and mendacious charge which, if Republicans were behind it would elicit howls of foul play from the nation’s (leftwing) press, instead of their present discreet silence on the subject. Not a single actual victim of such theft has been identified by civil rights organizations or the Kerry campaign because none exists. The Civil Rights Commission and the press investigated these charges at the time and found them baseless. As of course they would, since all the contested precincts in the Florida recount were in Democratic counties.

But it is the specifically personal attacks on Bush that reveal the ferocious insanity of liberal hate in this political season. For two years, George Bush has been derided as a “moron,” a “dummy,” and a Cheney “puppet” by liberal elites, even though his college test scores rank him in the top 10 percent of the nation, and even though newspapers such as The Philadelphia Inquirer give him full credit for orchestrating his own alleged vendettas. He has been accused of being a military “deserter” despite the failure of the media to prove this charge in four election campaigns, despite his logging 574 air hours in a plane dangerous enough to be referred to as “the widow-maker,” and despite his honorable discharge from the service.

As President, he has been denounced as a traitor who has “betrayed” Americans, a liar, a corrupt manipulator who misled America and sent its young and innocent to battle in full knowledge that their mission was fraudulent and their deaths needless. It has been charged that the sole reason he sent the young to die was to line the pockets of his corporate Texas cronies. He has been accused in advance of being responsible for any dirty nuclear bomb that terrorists detonate in the United States. And these are merely the attacks originating with Al Gore and Ted Kennedy to be spread then through the Democratic ranks. Not a single Democrat, by the way, has stood up to deplore the recklessness of these smears, or to speculate on how such attacks might affect the fortunes of the troops under the President’s command. Instead of fulfilling their role as neutral arbiters of the facts, the media have regularly given these destructive and despicable accusations a free pass.

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