Thursday, July 10, 2008

Science! Updated

Updating this post.

Here's where this is going. One of Myers fanboy commenters says:

So this is my idea, similar to others in the original thread, but adapted to the current situation.

We all go to Mass and get the consecrated cracker, if we haven't done so already.

We go twice between now and whenever, which should be easy enough (just look up the daily Mass schedule and see if you can't make it before work/class/whatever). We get TWO consecrated crackers.

We post videos to YouTube, in which we desecrate ONE of the crackers (I plan to dip mine in gin and set it on fire for for visual effect). We tell Donahue to shut the fuck up by next week, or we'll do the same to cracker #2. We email links pointing to our videos to Donahue.


1 comment:

ADAM said...

The scheme to go to mass and steal the Eucharist is hilarious. I am a Catholic and at my church when the host is placed in your hands you eat it. One has to walk in front of the congregation where everyone in the front row can clearly see you. So, I think peer pressure will force them to eat it.

Furthermore, the Eucharist is distributed near the end. So atheists are asking that people enter the church, stay for mass, and when they have just the one opportunity to take the host without the priest or anyone else looking, they run with it. How on earth is this lame plan going to work?

I can envision it now: the congregants rise from their pews to get the host, and the atheist dutifully follows. The priest gently lowers Christ's body into their hands and waits for them to eat it. One, after all, normally steps aside to consume the body. So how many times do you think they will have to return before they get it right? Just thinking about this makes me laugh, and if they do end up stealing them, then the Catholic Church will introduce the policy of having priests place the host on the tongue of the person receiving communion. We have ways to make the lives of atheists miserable.

Also, the host dissolves in ones mouth quickly, so if they place it in alcohol it will dissolve immediately. I know that because I normally place the Eucharist on my tongue and drink the wine afterwards. Catholics often receive a piece of the host and not the full one; I hope that they know that too. My God, this is going to enrage them so much.