Friday, October 01, 2004

Watching Debates from the Asylum

Russell Wardlow is one of the classic early bloggers (i.e. he was up and running two years ago). He started when he was an undergrad at my alma mater, U.C. Berkeley. He is now a law student living in a co-op. A co-op is kind of like a hippy commune subsidized by the school, but Russell is not a hippy. He watched the debate with his comrades. Says Wardlow, "It was absolute fargin' bedlam in there." Worth a read!

1 comment:

TmjUtah said...

I think that the tale of the tape is in the transcript.

The DNC video is attacking Bush for facial gestures, speech, and mannerism.

The RNC video is putting an east-coast liberal senator in all his glory on display.

I think that the old guard of Democrats might have dropped a hint (hello, Ann Richards? Gore?) to the Kerry camp that by the time the debates are here that message is the message. Style is nice. It doesn't win elections during war time. Somebody who just returned to the surface after two years in a cave might have walked away feeling good about Kerry. I'll wait for a few days...say by next see what kind of damage control the Kerry campaign will attempt to implement against his global test, nuke multiculti '84 policy, and Iraq unilateral bad/Nork unilateral a must.

A Co-op in Berkely. That's a picture I don't even want to see.