Friday, October 08, 2004

The Triumvirate

The big three writers who have helped me form my opinion about the Iraq war, why we're there, and what's at stake, are Bill Whittle, Steven Den Beste, and Victor Davis Hanson. Whittle I highlighted in a post yesterday. Den Beste I will get to in the future. Victor Davis Hanson is a member of the Hoover Institution, and a military historian, and also runs a farm near Fresno(!). While Whittle writes inspiring articles using reference to modern topics, Hanson tends to use ancient topics, such as the war between Athens and Sparta, or Athens and Persia. Or even Rome vs. Carthage (Cartago Delenda Est!). He has a new article out today (which doesn't happen to have many ancient world tie-ins). Too much good stuff to excerpt!

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