Saturday, October 09, 2004

Attack Ad I'd Like to See

I've written a script for the kind of ad the Bush campaign ought to be doing in the home stretch of this campaign. I couldn't find a source for exact quotes from Kerry, so I'll paraphrase. I don't know whether all quotes are associated with usable video clips.

John Kerry Has a Plan

[Ad fades in to a montage of several clips of Kerry at the second debate repeating and repeating "I have a plan".]

NARRATOR : John Kerry has a plan for America.

JOHN KERRY : "I have a plan."

NARRATOR : So far he has insulted our allies...

JOHN KERRY : "They are a coalition of the coerced and the bribed."

NARRATOR : He has voted to put our troops in harm's way and then refused to support them...

JOHN KERRY : "I actually voted for the 87 billion, before I voted against it."

NARRATOR : He has attacked the morale of our troops...

JOHN KERRY : "Invading Iraq was a colossal error."

JOHN KERRY : "It is the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time."

JOHN KERRY : "We could have removed Saddam without invading."

NARRATOR : He has trivialized their work to bring freedom to Iraq...

JOHN KERRY : "There is no plan to win the peace."

JOHN KERRY : "We are building firehouses in Baghdad, but not in America."

JOHN KERRY : "The $200 billion could have been spent on health care and drugs for seniors here in America."

NARRATOR : He has emboldened our terrorist enemies as they seek to scare us out of Iraq...

JOHN KERRY : "I will bring the troops home."

JOHN KERRY : "We have replaced a dictator with a chaos."

JOHN KERRY : "Iraq has distracted us from the real war on terror."

[Final shot of Kerry at second debate. The best shot that can be found showing him staring into the camera, looking cadaverous, and saying slowly "I have a plan."]

NARRATOR : Can America and the world afford John Kerry's plan?

"Ahm George Boosh, and ah ahproove this message."

Update: I just heard a new quote from Kerry: "If things continue to deteriorate, I may be handed Lebanon." Tailor-made for the " Emboldening the Enemy" section.


Anonymous said...

I love it ... hope the RNC produces it by Wednesday.

Jamie Irons said...

Excellent! How about a memo to Karl Rove, Evil Genius?

Lola said...

I just loooooove this ad! Sure hope somebody in RNC is reading this post . . .