Friday, January 15, 2010

New Life

My wife and I (and she's the one who did most of the work!) gave birth on Tuesday to a little cutie-pie, a 7 lb 10 oz baby boy, our first child!

So please bear with the sporadic nature of this blog for awhile. We brought the little guy home from the hospital yesterday, he kept us up for most of the night and here it is, 4:15 PM PST, and I've finally gotten dressed...


reg said...

congratulations,you have been given a gift beyond description.i did not know the meaning of love until my children were born.mind you sleep (for the next few months) and patience (few the next 2 decades) will wear thin. gotta go play another hand of uno with my 10 yr old.gloria in exelsisis deo.

Ilíon said...


And be sure to give him plenty of siblings!

Warren said...

Hey, great news!!! I'd been wondering where ya went!

I'm very happy for all three of you.

Christina said...

So happy for you three! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Very happy to learn of this. So glad that it all went well.