Saturday, January 09, 2010

I Worked For Domino's In 1984, And It Was Good Stuff

But has since sucked. But here's a very interesting corporate video, from a company that has admitted its error and is doing something about it. Something pretty rare from large organizations. I'm going to give these guys another chance. Lileks did and was suitably impressed.

Another company that (long ago) did a major turnaround was Jack-In-The-Box. I wish my former employer similar success. BTW, the car I drove to do pizza deliveries was my pristine red '67 Bug. And I cleared 12 bucks an hour doing that, compared to the $5.25 that I was previously making as a McDonald's shift manager.


Warren said...

I practically lived on Domino's back in college (1976-79), and loved it. Glad to see that they're trying to return to their former glory.

Ilíon said...

I also lived on Domino's for a spell in college in the late '70s. And I liked their product, else I wouldn't have eaten it.

Also, for a few months (possibly even about 1984), I had myself a second job delivering for Domino's.