Thursday, August 28, 2008

Geraghty Remarks On The Anger


Euphoria For His Fans; Disappointment For the Rest of Us

I notice three glaring flaws from a speech that I’m sure will make Chris Matthews’ leg explode, prompt Keith Olbermann to start chiseling at Mount Rushmore, and that will be hailed by many media commentators as the greatest in American history – just as Obama’s Berlin speech was, just as Obama’s race speech was, just as his Iowa victory speech was, just as his 2004 convention address was…

Obama’s speech was predictable, it was implausible, and it was strikingly, inexplicably, angry.


Angry: Of all the aspects of this speech, the anger was the part that surprised me the most. I didn’t expect him to take it easy on McCain, but after McCain’s “well done,” ad, I wondered if they would take out some of the sharper or snippier lines. I can't imagine anything came out, unless this morning's version included him dropping the F-bomb. The red tie fits Obama tonight, because he was angry. As another blogger noted to me while Obama was giving the speech, McCain’s congratulatory ad looks out of place tonight, as he just made a nice gesture to a guy ripping him six ways to Sunday.

Obama clearly was offended by the “Celebrity” ad. He ought to blame his organizers, who treated this night as a mega concert, not a key step in the democratic process.

The line “McCain said he will follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell, but he won’t even follow him to the cave where he lives,” was disastrous. Obnoxious.

“I’ve got news for you John McCain. We all put our country first.” First of all, no, some people don’t. Second, he made that line into an attack line.

Obama was bitter. Clinging, I guess you could say.

Having said that, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if Obama won. He’s promising the moon, the sun, the stars, a chicken in every pot, and government-managed health care for all. It’s tempting, as everyone wants to believe in a free lunch. Sometimes, the American people have to see that ideas that sound too good to be true always are, and that command-and-control big government doesn’t work.

I'm not too worried. This abomination of a speech is not going to age well.

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