Thursday, January 29, 2009

Decision Matrix

If you are in the minority, and you vote for your adversary's cockamamie plan and the plan succeeds, you will get little credit, nor will it help you regain the majority because you don't offer anything different.

If you are in the minority, and you don't vote for your adversary's cockamamie plan and the plan succeeds, well maybe your adversary should be running the show.

If you are in the minority, and you vote for your adversary's cockamamie plan and the plan fails, then you are part of the problem, your base has no use for you, and it won't help you regain the majority because you don't offer anything different.

If you are in the minority, and you don't vote for your adversary's cockamamie plan and the plan fails, then your adversaries are evidently a bunch of fools, they own the wreck, and it will help you regain the majority because you didn't go along with their daft schemes. Also, your base will be stoked.

Which will it be, GOP?

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