Friday, December 15, 2006


Saw it, liked it. It was about as violent as it needed to be, and no worse than many other movies. Quite a stunning piece of cinematography and imagination, especially depicting the hell on earth of the human sacrifices. But, thankfully, our society is more advanced than that, since Roe v Wade, and all. We wouldn't kill the innocent just so things will go well for us. That's a Mayan and Aztec thing.

Some Catholic reviews here and here, and more via this search.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the movie tip. The movie started in my town twenty minutes after I read your blog about Apocalypto. I made it to the movie in plenty of time.
It was shocking how subdued the violence was compared to what can currently be purchased at a movie theater.
Here are the themes I saw: violence is not evil: evil is evil and violence to stop evil and save the innocent is necessary and honorable. I wish some churchmen would get this through their heads. One would think that the Sunday reading today would help.
Male leadership is not evil: evil is evil and male leadership, when virtuouos, is necessary to end injustice and barbarity and to provide for tranquility.
A rightly ordered polis is small (subsidiarity) and based on male led families with strong, fecund female wives. (A shocker, I know.) Furthermore, given that barbarity potentially batters the city walls every time that a child is born, fatherhood and patriarchy will always be necessary.
The temporary happiness of this world is neither complicated nor expensive, but it is communal and can demand of you your passing life. Yeah! It doesn't get better than that.
Science, in this case represented by astronomy, is yet another human tool that can be used for evil purposes, as in duping the naive through its predictive power.
Water not only drowns, but it lifts those in need of salvation from the deep pits of this earth. In water we are given life and new life (the birth of the child, baptism, and the seaborne disciples carrying out the Great Commission).