Thursday, April 29, 2010

Papers For Thee, But Not For Me

A pattern:

So, here's an update on what a lot of liberals think about documentation.

Situations where people must present proper papers:

* When getting your children out of the government-assigned public school and into an elite public school.

* When challenged to prove you have health insurance.

* When you wish to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights and keep and bear arms.

* When you wish to buy alcohol.

* When you wish to buy tobacco.

* When you want to buy a frigging decongestant.

Situations where demanding people present proper papers is absolutely unacceptable and RAAAAACIST!:

* Showing up to vote.

* Getting birth control while a minor and without parental consent or knowledge.

* Getting an abortion while a minor and without parental consent or knowledge.

* Getting public assistance, funded by American citizens and legal, documented aliens.

The common theme, it seems to me, is that the liberals want to make it as easy as they can for you to be dependent from the government, and as difficult as possible to assert your own rights and independence.

But that, of course, is probably wrong. That would be too simple, too predictable. It fits too neatly into my own preconceptions and prejudices.

So, what would be an alternative explanation?

1 comment:

IlĂ­on said...

"But that, of course, is probably wrong. That would be too simple, too predictable. It fits too neatly into my own preconceptions and prejudices."

Yet, somehow, we all know, seemingly by instinct, how and how not the "liberals" will break on any existing .. or novel ... question of this sort.