Sunday, April 11, 2010

For A Guy That Is Positive That He Has Absolutely No Real Future (And Celebrates It), He Sure Is Filled With Passionate Intensity

P.Z. Myers knows that souls do not exist. He also thinks that the prospects of unaccountable non-existence somehow makes atheism the braver choice, with others who believe in a Day of Judgment being the can't-face-the-music wussies. All righty, then.


Update: Warren comments:

Yeah, that old Christian belief about being in danger of eternal torment after death is very obviously just a wish-fulfilment fantasy.


Warren said...

Yeah, that old Christian belief about being in danger of eternal torment after death is very obviously just a wish-fulfilment fantasy.

Ilíon said...
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Ilíon said...

In the post Basil's Car ... and Justice, I explore Dawkins' intellectual dishonesty.

The thing about all these so-called atheists is that they don't actually believe the things they assert and attempt to brow-beat others into believing -- a real atheist would be a nihilist; a real atheist would understand that were atheism the truth about the nature of reality, then nothing at all matters. For, *everything* is ending. And yet, here are all these vociferous pretend-atheists, nattering on as though converting everyone in the world to atheism matters -- what? Is there someone who will remember and care past the end of the world?

We Christians frequently fail to live up to what we say is truth; the so-called atheists always fail to live down to what they say is truth. For which, let us thank God.