Friday, February 27, 2009

Piece Of Cake

That is, if the cake were made of TNT, and the candles were fuses.

Vanderleun has an amusing essay examining the procedure for escaping from the Space Shuttle before it blows up on the pad.

Here's a taste:

4) On the far side of the gantry is an open platform with slots in the floor below and a lot of cables slanting down and away from the whole shebang. These cables are called "Zip lines."

5) Suspended underneath these zip lines at floor level are wicker baskets. You will climb into these. (Tick, tock, tick, tock... time's a wastin'.)

6) Did I mention you will get into these wicker baskets backwards? You will. Then you will release the basket.

7) Upon releasing the basket you will be propelled backwards and downwards at a very high velocity along the long slanting cable for some distance towards a massive pile of sandbags.

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