Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good Rhetorical Point

Buried in an Amazon review food fight:

Gentlemen, you lump creationists in the same group as ID proponents. This makes you appear quite gullible. As propagandists you seem unable to discuss anything coherently about the two groups differences, or even see them. Readers, however, are more capable. The groups have displayed separate origins and largely an independent development. You gloss over that fact due to your obvious bigotry. The two movements qualify as separate and distinct. Check T. Woodward's books on the matter instead of your uncritical evolutionist agenda. Denton, Thaxton, Johnson, Behe launched ID, not Henry Morris and Duane Gish. If you cannot discuss rationally the origins of two American social movements that appeared in the last century, how can you be trusted to advance a correct view of origins from prehistory? Furthermore, if you cannot distinguish people who are still alive, how can you differentiate fossils, which aren't?

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