Sunday, August 06, 2006


Dr Sanity:

At the end of the 20th century, it was apparent that both leftist and rightist totalitarian forces had been soundly beaten by on the battlefield of reality. Sadly, neither was out for the duration, and what we have seen since that time is a alliance between leftist intellectual thought (via postmodern philosophical attempts to compensate for the reality of their intellectual defeat) and the rightist religious fascism of Islam as it is practiced in most of the world.

Islam wherever it exists is trying to impose a theocracy. What the leaders of Hamas, Al Qaeda, Iran and others say explicitly, openly, and repeatedly, doesn't ever seem to register on the intellectual leadership of the left.


The intellectual leadership of the left consciously know all this, but have allied themselves with this particular theocracy anyway. In their arrogance, they do not feel threatened by Islam, because Islam has shown itself to be compatible with their ideology of totalitarianism and social tyranny. They believe that when they and Islam get rid of their mutual enemies--freedom, capitalism, and individuality--they will be able to handle the the religious details and come out on top.

In the meantime, the psychological displacement and denial that they actively encourage works to their advantage in the general population, who became genuinely and realistically fearful of Islam and its adherents after 9/11.

Displacement is a psychological defense mechanism where there is a separation of emotion from its real object and then redirection of the intense emotion toward something less threatening.

When was the last time you heard of a Christian fundamentalist nation? When was the last time that Christianity killed non-believers and tortured those who ran afoul of the religious laws?

If you answered, "the middle ages"--you are correct.


But, as we all know, there is a religion-- now, today-- that encourages its adherents to kill non-believers. That relegates women to second class citizenship and makes their sexuality a sin punishable by death. There is a religion where homosexuality is not tolerated and individual thought is suppressed.

There is a religion practiced today that rules as a totalitarian theocracy in a number of countries; and its religious leaders regularly give permission to its beleivers to kill Americans, Christians, and Jews. Devoted believers of this religion piloted airplanes into American buildings, killing thousands. They would do it again if they get the chance. Devoted believers in this religion behead people who disagree with them and can be convinced to blow themselves up in order to kill people they don't like.

Between Christianity and the religion described above, which do you suppose is the real threat to America and its citizens? The one that advocates peaceful solutions to problems? Or the one that advocates jihad and death to America?

The left and their political front, the Democrats, would have you believe that because some Christians disapprove of abortion or homosexuality on moral grounds; or that they are vocal in their objection to the state-sanctioned murder of innocents that this is a sign of the impending theocracy. Thus, instead of rational argument and disagreement, the left has chosen to IMPOSE their particular beliefs on each of these topics by passing laws--exactly what they accuse the religious right in this country of trying to do. This psychological technique is called projection; and the political technique of imposing one set of beliefs--religious or not-- on another group by law is known as tyranny. Neither side is correct in trying to impose their particular religion across the nation. But, as the city of San Francisco continually reminds us, local populations may vote to be as ridiculous and amoral as they choose over whatever issues they desire. They simply have to stick within the general guidelines of the Constitution of the U.S. and their particular state.

However comforting it is to believe that Christianity is the religion that poses a threat to freedom and democracy, the real world eventually intrudes on such fantasies. While these clever people "bravely" confront the straw man religion they have set up as the enemy, the real danger slips in unnoticed and without hindrance. Doesn't it strike you as somewhat bizarre that we are exhorted to be "sensitive" to the grossly oppressive beliefs of Islam (e.g. in the case of the rather innocent and childlike Danish cartoons); yet, it is considered avantgard and progressive--and an issue of "freedom of speech" to display pornographic images of Christ or dung-laden images of his mother?

When do you suppose the "secular humanists" and Leftists will organize a conference to discuss the threat that Islam poses to their political freedoms? Don't hold your breath. They actually share the same politics with those who explicitly desire to impose a religious theocracy.

Once again, denial, projection and displacement are at work. They brought us the phenomenon of Bush Derangement Syndrome; and have simultaneously caused a co-occurring disorder: Christianophobia, or Christianity Derangement Syndrome, or antichristianism--call it what you will.


In case you have not achieved the expected level of paranoia about how dangerous Bush is; and how imminent is the imposition in America of a Christian Theocracy; then it is clear that you are not making the necessary "connections" that the left sees so clearly in its version of reality...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Dr Sanity" must use a strange definition of the middle ages -- generally, the middle ages are considered to have ended circa 1500. A common penalty in the American colonies for violating Sunday laws was death (Virginia, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, starting in the 17th century); it took the Bill of Rights for most vestiges of those laws to be swept away.

The problem-making Islamic extremists want a war of jihad, with Islam on one side and the rest of the world opposed. By his exaggerated and inaccurate arguments against non-Christian Americans, Dr Sanity seems to be advocating a fight between Christianity against everyone else. Does Dr Sanity suffer from realityphobia in a way that drives him to accept the same politics and values that he decries in Islam?