Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Certain Lack Of Unifying Principles

Jay Nordlinger:

Let’s play bumper stickers:

Dear Jay:

I recently saw a car (Honda Civic), the back of which was plastered with liberal bumper stickers, including these two beauties: meat is murder and pro-child/pro-family/pro-choice.

I was disgusted. I’d love to respond with a pair that said: abortion is murder and steak or chicken — that’s a choice.

I’d probably get my windows knocked out.

You got that right.

One time I was driving on the freeway, and I came up to a car on my right. This car was sporting a giant lengthwise sign on its roof, and the back of the car was covered with anti-gun, anti-hunting, and pro-vegetarianism bumper stickers. The sign on the roof said simply, killing for the sake of pleasure is obscene. So I rolled down my right window, honked, and yelled over to the guy, "Hey, are you pro-life or pro-choice?" He proudly smiled and yelled back "Pro-Choice!" I looked up at his sign, shook my head a little, and gave him my "What are you, some kind of idiot?!" look.

I have a psychological theory that a lot of these folks take the positions they do precisely because they support child-sacrifice-by-abortion. I guess my answer to them would be a bumper sticker saying tree hugging does not atone for baby killing.

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